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STAR Test Spoof

Posted on Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 at 6:13 am in

Back in middle school I made this spoof of the STAR test I wasn’t fond of. If I can find the document I’ll update this post with a pdf. I actually traced the cover to make the picture in that entry. Since it’s STAR testing time again, maybe I’ll make a new spoof. But I…

STAR Test Spoof - continue reading


Posted on Monday, April 12th, 2010 at 10:41 am in

You know what they say about playing favorites. But in an effort to provide you, the reader, with a coherent browsing experience, I have selected the following flash animations from the sites under Domain Index. Since those sites may not be as clear as this one. Also, I only recently realized how much stuff there…

Favorites - continue reading
