You know what they say about playing favorites. But in an effort to provide you, the reader, with a coherent browsing experience, I have selected the following flash animations from the sites under Domain Index. Since those sites may not be as clear as this one. Also, I only recently realized how much stuff there…
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Fly on Screen
Random flash I made awhile back…click the link below to see (no loading screen).
Tower defense game
One of the things I’ve been wokring on recently is a tower defense game. After enjoying Plants vs. Zombies and desktop defense, I decided I wanted to contribute my own, a flash game. So far, it works well although I structured it like Plants vs. Zombies and now I’m thinking that’s not the best way…
WWII Project (flash experiment)
In my history class, WWII projects were assigned recently. One of my team members thought that a South Park-style animation would interesting. So, in that vein of thought, I rigged up this Hitler character in Flash. Who else is most associated with WWII? It took about two hours… I forgot to keep track of exactly…
Chromium Ad & Ott Bros
Two flashes for your entertainment. The first one is like my Yttrium Ad, only it’s my sister’s project. She’s younger than me and has entered the grade where they do this. She wanted to do a flash too, which is cool, but she totally did not know how to use it. So I helped her……